We come together to share, network, and socialize.Alpha Rho TauWe are a Civic Art Association, founded in 1930, whose purpose is to foster art, further develop interest in all mediums of art, and to promote the appreciation of art.
A.R.T. Members' art display at PostOak LodgeDisplay Your Art @
PostOak Lodge
The A.R.T. Small Works Show in 2025 at Postoak Lodge will consist of Art based on the Postoak brand: Rustic Western Country Cabin look.
Alpha Rho Tau
Alpha Rho Tau was founded in 1930, by Dr. Adah M. Robinson, Head of the Art Department at the University of Tulsa, as a co-educational honorary art fraternity. It functioned as such until 1945, when it became a civic art association in Tulsa. Community artists have enjoyed participating in Alpha Rho Tau for over 80 years.
Who We Are
Our members represent a wide variety of backgrounds, ages, and experience in many different mediums. We come together to share, network, and socialize with other artists. Members have the opportunity to participate in our exhibits, and shows in beautiful scenic locations several times a year.
What we Do
A.R.T. sponsors annual scholarships for extraordinary young community artists.
Meetings are held from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Hardesty Library, 8316 E 93rd Street, Tulsa, OK on the 3rd Monday of the months March thru December.
Each meeting includes a presentation by one of an intriguing variety of artists.
Become a member and join us in continuing the tradition!